Strive for a beautiful mind
What is a beautiful mind and how do we get it? How much does our mind affect our look? What’s the benefit of striving for a beautiful mind..?
Being humble does not necessarily mean to be submissive to other people. It often means to stand up for oneself and others. A humble person does not solely take credit for great things that happen, but is aware of all and everything involved. Humility means stepping out of one’s ego and have a broader perspective. And to accept other people’s needs and limitations. To be humble means having faith in something bigger than oneself and never let your insecurities set limits.
The power and beauty in all above, manifest as a sparkling glow in our eyes, a solid posture and a beautiful smile. No creams, treatments or make-up in the world can exceed that. (Doesn’t mean you have to skip beauty products or treatments). But striving for a beautiful mind will definitely give you something extra in terms of how you look.
A beautiful mind is of course a brilliant mind, a smart mind and one open to endless possibilities. However I see mental beauty even more, in a person that want to be humble, grateful and always willing to learn more.
The benefits of choosing to be grateful are many. If we focus on all the things we don’t have (that we may should have had or most people normally have), we really miss out on the things that we actually have. When we are grateful for people and situations that give us pain - we embrace the opportunity to grow as a human beings. To be grateful for what we have gives us a rich life - and that to me is very smart.

An open mind that is always willing to learn more, is beautiful. Because we then automatically include other people and become more present. When we are open to improve in all our affairs, fears also go away. Therefore we become more confident and willing to share with others what we know.

A closed mind who is not willing to learn from everybody, who is judgemental and full of gossip, always envious or jealous etc.. tend to create a pretty ugly looking person.
We were given our bodies and they all have positive and negative aspects. No matter who we are. But to create a beautiful mind is available and doable for everybody - start your journey today!
Xoxo Susanna
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